Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy New Year!'s hard to believe it's a new year already. I don't think I've been so excited for a new year before. I have plans for 2013, big plans, plans that I will put off no longer. Too long I have thought about starting a blog, and finally here I go. Too long I have wanted to share my joy for creating with more waiting. What exactly was I waiting for? To be good enough? Well, I have come to accept that I may never be good enough in my own eyes. There will always be others who are better than me, and that's okay. That doesn't mean that I don't have anything valuable to share. I hope that through this blog, and my videos and tutorials, that someone might learn something new or try to create something they didn't think they could, that creative wings will be spread. I hope to learn a few things myself and I will share my mistakes as well as my successes because I believe we can learn from them as well. I welcome any who wish to join me on this journey...let's have some fun!


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